Find below the portfolio projects related to oversized:
Conservation of plan on natural tracing paper
Proudly showcasing the conservation treatment of such a stubborn tracing paper: folds and wrinkles appear white due to loss of translucency. Before and after photos are taken with a black background, so that you can judge the results on the whitish parts.
Conservation of varnished map
Conservation of an oversized map, varnished and with a linen backing, dated 1906. Varnish removal with gels, backing removal, capillary washing, tear mending, infilling, lining, flattening, retouch, varnishing and finishing (tapes and slats on edges).
Conservation of oversized Adami drawings from Musée Jean Cocteau
Conservation of oversized casein drawings by Valerio Adami with stains caused by a flood. Slanted capillary washing, flattening, mending and conservation mounting.
Conservation of racing cars poster
A lithograph by Spanish painter Cidón, dated 1922
Conservation of a ithographic print from 1922, a poster of the 2nd edition of the car race "Armangué Trophy", organized by the Royal Motorcycle Club of Catalonia.
Stop-motion video of a paper conservation treatment
A lockdown is kind of stoping any activity, and that is what I have done, a stop-motion video, showing the full conservation treatment of a paper document.
Conservation of preliminary drawing for a tapestry: an oversized gouache on paper
Conservation of preliminary drawing for a carpet, an oversized gouache on paper. Dry cleaning, backing with japanese tissue (washi). Flattening, loss compensation (in-painting).
Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper, by Fernando Higueras
Owner: Association of Architects of [...]
Conservation of choir book, an oversized manuscript on parchment
Choir book, an oversized manuscript on parchment. The bookbinding is full leather on wooden boards with brass edges, as well as clasps, also in brass. 1634, renaissance style.
Conservation of gouache on paper, painting by Joan Ponç
"Gran Pastoral", gouache on paper, 83 x 112 cm. The artwork was lined on a Kraft paper with tapes and synthetic adhesives. It had losses and tears, and remarkable discolouration. The paper was extremely brittle. Tape and synthetic adhesives removal. Capillary wash and light bleaching, infilling of losses, lining, inpainting (mimetic criteria in the small ones, neutral color in the bigger ones).
Facsimile of the first Pharmacy graduation photograph (University of Barcelona, 1901)
What is a facsimile and what is it used for? Is it a forgery? Why the graduation photographs of the first pharmacists generation was mutilated during the Spanish Civil War? Facsimiles, also known as original copies or reproductions, are a very good solution when we want to disseminate an artefact with restricted availability due to poor condition state or unique character.
Russian posters conservation
Lithographic posters with communist propaganda, dating 1959. Author: Valentin Viktorof. Lithographs with severe folds, pressure-sensitive tapes, tears, dirt, slight cockling and paper losses. Conservation: Dry cleaninng, tape removal, wet cleaning and deacidification, consolidation (tears mending, gaps infilling, lining), flattening and inpainting.
Movie posters conservation
Owner: Private collection. Artefacts: Printed poster [...]
Conservation of oversized spanish poster from Seville
Owner: Documentary Holding and Collections Joaquín [...]
Conservation of sports posters
Owner: Barcelona Municipal Archive (Sants-Montjuïc [...]
Conservation of codex, a manuscript on parchment
Cantoral en pergamí manuscrit, cobertes de pell, fusta i bronze. Probablement és del s. XVI. La restauració va consistir en substituir les ànimes de fusta, consolidar la pell, netejar, restituir les peces perdudes (bollons, tanca...), revisar els afegits i mutilacions, tornar a relligar, consolidar els fulls... i un llarg etcètera.
Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper and onion skin paper with tapes
Conservation of 20th c. architectural drawings on tracing paper and onion skin paper with pressure-sensitive tapes from the Association of Architects of Catalonia (CoAC) . Conservation treatment: Stain removal, pressure sensitive tapes removal, tear mending, flattening.
Conservation of oversized velvet album book
Owner: Military History and Culture [...]
Conservation of school map from civil war
Conservation of an old school poster dated 1936. The poster had been lined on a canvas, and the printed surface varnished.
Conservation of collage panels from GATCPAC
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Col·legi d'Arquitectes [...]
Conservation of poster with loss in the image
Poster of the film "No man of her own" by Spanish painter J. Peris Aragó. Big losses right in the face of the protagonist have been in-painted with deceptive criteria: reproducing a digital version of another poster that was complete.
Filter project by:
artwork on paper
maps, plans (architectural drawings)
board or paper artefacts
bindings conservation
fragmentology (membra disjecta)
recycled binding
limp-vellum binding
paperback books
sewn unsupported with drawn-on covers
stationery bindings
holdings (archive/library)
silver-gelatine paper photographs
book conservation
housing, mounting and framing paper artworks
introduction to paper conservation
Matching infills & retouching
photograph conservation
tailored conservation course
wet treatments
ball-point pen
charcoal, pastel
felt-tip pen
graphite, pencil